People can access, understand and able to use media wisely, safely and creatively with good media ecosystem.
Promote and support all network sectors in order to produce and develop safe and creative media
Encourage people to access, understand and effectively utilize the safe and creative media for a broader environment
Encourage people, especially children, youth and families to have media literacy and monitoring skills
What we do?
Support and create “safe and creative media”
TMF supports people to create different media innovations to break through the traditional content production framework by adding content that is an alternative way to acknowledge useful information. TMF also presents necessary information in the dimensions that people need for a comprehensive storytelling. TMF can drive the potential topics to engage the participatory from people in the society, while developing a knowledge base in different areas to support the creation of safe and creative media.
Create “Public Participation”
TMF will be a major force in creating and engaging participation from the public, private, people, and Non–governmental Organizations by creating an efficient and sustainable coordinated model.
Create “Media Literacy” and “Media Surveillance””
TMF acts as “Supporter” in “Media Literacy” among stakeholders in promoting media literacy in Thailand. TMF joins hands with networks and prepares to drive media literacy into the education system by providing information resources, supporting media literacy promotion, supporting research to develop in-depth knowledge on Thai media usage and communication behavior, and knowledge on indicating the level of media literacy.
TMF is a funding source for creating a “Media literacy” society for children, youth, and families. Its role is to monitor media, develop databases, innovate work focusing on issues, and have a wide range of target audiences. TMF also creates citizens who are aware of the surveillance with strong networking and drive the media movement through public communication.
Objectives/ powers
According to Thai Media Fund Act (2015)
Section 5
the Fund shall be a juristic person and shall have following objectives;
(1) to campaign, promote and support the development of safe and creative media;
(2) to promote development of potentiality of a producer for safe and creative media;
(3) to promote and support people especially children, youths and families having skills in media literacy, to monitor unsafe and uncreative media, and to be able to use media for development of themselves, community and society;
(4) to promote and support wide participation of people in order to develop safe and creative media;
(5) to promote a conduct of study and research, training, development of knowledge and creativity of an innovation of safe and creative media;
(6) to promote a person, a community organization, a private organization, a public benefit organization, Government agency, State enterprise or other State agency performing activities relating to media to provide production and development of safe and creative media;
(7) to proceed and promote the safe and creative media which can be accessed by people and can be used widely.
Section 9
The Fund shall have the powers to do all kinds of business within the objectives under section 5 and such powers shall include;
(1) to hold ownership, have right to possess, and have all kinds of real right;
(2) to establish rights or enter into any juristic act inside and outside the Kingdom;
(3) to gain benefits from the Fund’s property;
(4) to carry out any other act relating to or in connection with the objectives of the Fund.
Section 21
The Committee has the powers and duties to control and supervise the Fund to carry out business to be in accordance with the objectives prescribed in section 5, provided that such powers and duties shall include:
(1) to prescribe policies, plans, and strategies relating to the development of safe and creative media;
(2) to issue notifications prescribing category of unsafe and uncreative media;
(3) to prescribe measures for promoting development and creation of skill in the media literacy including for promoting the use of media as a tool for learning and development of themselves, community, and society;
(4) to prescribe measures for promoting participation of people for monitoring the media under section 5 (3);
(5) to prescribe measures for reinforcing co-operation and coordinating among Government agency, State enterprise or other State agency including private sector for the development of safe and creative media;
(6) to approve a plan of annual operation, a financial plan, and an annual budget of the Fund;
(7) to issue regulations on rules and procedures for allocating money to a project or an activity relating to the development of safe and creative media;
(8) to issue regulations on division of the Office’s internal work and scope of duty of such department;
(9) to issue regulations on selecting a manager, performing work, and giving authority of a manager;
(10) to issue regulations on administrative work, personnel administration, finance, supply and property of the Office, and internal examination of the Fund;
(11) to issue regulations on determination of remuneration’s rate or service fee for carrying out business of the Fund;
(12) to prescribe the amount of positions, duration of employment, rates of salaries and wages, salaries of officials and employees;
(13) to appoint an advisor, a Sub-Committee for promoting participation of people, a Sub-Committee for monitoring unsafe and uncreative media, a Sub-Committee for promoting innovation for the development of safe and creative media, and other Sub-Committee as it deems appropriate for consideration or performance as entrusted by the Committee;
(14) to carry out any other act which is necessary to achieve objectives of the Fund.
The notifications under (2) and the regulations under (7) shall be published in the Government Gazette.
Section 25
The Office shall have the powers and duties as follows:
(1) to be responsible for the administrative works of the Committee, the Sub-Committee for Administration of the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund, and the Sub-Committee under section 21 (13);
(2) to submit policies, plans, and strategies relating to the development of safe and creative media, a plan of annual operation, a financial plan, and an annual budget of the Fund including researching, analyzing, and assessing proceedings of the Fund to the Committee;
(3) to provide advice to a media producer in production of safe and creative media;
(4) to prepare a list and a report of annual performance of the Fund;
(5) to proceed other work as entrusted by the Committee, the Sub-Committee for Administration of the Safe and Creative Media Development Fund, and the Sub-Committee under section 21 (13).
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